The teen years are often believed to be the last stretch of your parenting journey. It also often proves to be a difficult part of your parenting journey.

Teens brains are immature, impulsive and communication can prove to be quite difficult. What does that mean for parents? Discipline solutions for teens need to focus on encouragement, capability and trust.  Support your teen as their interests spark and grow. Arm yourself with the positive parenting tools and principles to deal with parenting through romantic relationships, academic achievements and struggles, college applications, extending more privileges like driving, traveling, social media. Learn how to keep communication open and your connection and bond strong.

Positive Parenting Articles for Parenting Your Teen

Two Things Every Child Needs To Feel for Misbehavior To Disappear

Two Things Every Child Needs To Feel for Misbehavior To Disappear

Your child’s behavior is not the problem. Really. If your child’s behavior is not the problem, then what is? Some parents reply, “I’m the problem!”  It’s true that you may be part of the problem but here’s the real answer . . . The problem is the problem. There’s always something deeper that causes the…

Teaching Children Respect

Teaching Children Respect

“Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them.” – James Baldwin Children are mirrors; they reflect back to us everything we say and do. We now know that 95% of everything children learn, they learn from what is modeled for them. Only 5% of…

9 Respectful Ways To Stay Involved In Your Teen’s Life

9 Respectful Ways To Stay Involved In Your Teen’s Life

Snooping or Shaming Teens Will Not Give You More Control or Respect: Here is What Will. Teens…One minute they want all of our attention, and the next they want nothing to do with us. What happened to my open, sometimes clingy son? He used to share everything with me. He became secretive and elusive. My questions…

Helping Your Child Through Disappointment

Helping Your Child Through Disappointment

Disappointment can be like a tidal wave of emotions for your kids. Image this scenario: The van is packed, and you’re about ready to head out the door. Suddenly, you hear thunder in the distance. No! It can’t be! You checked the weather, and it wasn’t supposed to rain for a few more hours. But minutes…

How Goal Setting with your Tween can Build Connection

How Goal Setting with your Tween can Build Connection

Goal setting is something that it really important to me. I think I love goal setting because is it an opportunity to get a big picture look at where I am at and dream big for where I want to be. I am all about action, and goals are the action we take to live…

Teenagers: Competent & Capable

Teenagers: Competent & Capable

Often the struggles we find ourselves caught in with our children can be eased by recognizing and honoring their age appropriate capabilities. And with their capable, competent selves appreciated and affirmed, we can now build a strong foundation for the future independent and successful adult we all hope for. Isnʼt this just what our parenting…

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