15 activities to do indoors on a yucky day!
1. Build a fort
2. Make paper airplanes
3. Paint with cars
4. Build with Lego
5. Build a book city
6. Read stories
7. Play follow the leader
8. Dance
9. Make up a silly song
10. Play music band
11. Set up an obstacle course
12. Pretend post office
13. Finger paint in the bath tub
14. Bake a cake
15. Go on a treasure hunt.
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Ariadne Brill
Ariadne is a happy and busy mama to three children. She practices peaceful, playful, responsive parenting and is passionate about all things parenting and chocolate. Ariadne has a Masters in Psychology and is a certified Positive Discipline Parenting Educator. She lives on top of a beautiful mountain with her family, and one cuddly dog.
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