I remember long ago, in the fourth grade, my social sciences teacher talked to us about the phrase “No man is an island.” (It is a quote from John Donne) We went on to discuss how as people, we cannot truly develop and thrive in isolation, that having families, friends and interests that bring us together were key to having happy, successful lives.
Today, I am returning from a five day trip to Germany, headed back to our relatively new home in Switzerland. I had the chance to visit my old Village and my amazing group of friends.All the while driving away from our old village to my inlaws house where we spent the night before heading home I thought about that quote with a little change in it.
No MOM is an island.
You see, when we moved to Germany two years ago, I felt pretty isolated. I had left behind an incredible group of friends in the USA. I did not have any friends in the small village we moved to. I spoke the language but felt unsure of myself (read I am a perfectionist and was too afraid to make mistakes.)Five months ago, when we moved to Switzerland, I left behind another phenomenal group of friends behind.
Both of these groups are similar in many ways: All of these women are mothers, who love their children dearly, care for them and work so hard. Women with varied backgrounds and histories. We are all different, but we are, all mothers! We all share a drive to provide not just a safety and shelter too our children and families but also create life experiences and seek happiness.
Yesterday I spent the day with my friends in Germany. Our children played as if we had never left. We talked about our happiness, our sorrows, our hardships and victories. From sleeping troubles to starting school to chasing after our dreams. It was a real treat for me to be among these women, to have this sense of belonging and community again, even if just for a short time. It also made me miss my wonderful friends from the USA and gave me renewed faith that I will find such friendships in Switzerland.
I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to know and share with so many wonderful women and their families both in Germany and the USA. I am a better Mom because of them. These women inspire me, confide in me, they get me and trust me. We laugh and cry together, our lives are sometimes so different, other times so similar, but no matter what, our friendship is the bridge over that island and brings us together.
Today, as I travel back, I’m thankful for my friends, for being who they are and being a part of my life. How about you?
Peace& Be Well,
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Ariadne Brill
Ariadne is a happy and busy mama to three children. She practices peaceful, playful, responsive parenting and is passionate about all things parenting and chocolate. Ariadne has a Masters in Psychology and is a certified Positive Discipline Parenting Educator. She lives on top of a beautiful mountain with her family, and one cuddly dog.
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